Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Communications Systems by Simon Haykin Book & Solution Manual

ISBN-10: 0471178691
ISBN-13: 978-0471178699

Book Description
This best-selling, easy to read, communication systems book has been extensively revised to include an exhaustive treatment of digital communications. Throughout, it emphasizes the statistical underpinnings of communication theory in a complete and detailed manner.

Book InfoGuides students through topics ranging from pulse modulation to passband digital transmission, and from random processes to error-control coding. Dozens of examples that relate to real-world communication systems. For undergraduates. DLC: Telecommunication.

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The Book:

Solution Manual:


rashmi r jois said...

please provide solutions for the back prolems signals and systems written by simon haykins ...

Unknown said...

please provide solutions for the back problems communications system 2nd edition written by Simon haykins ...

ashwadh said...
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